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New OT 2 Completion

This person has had wonderful wins on the level, by applying the tech very standardly:

“From the beginning, I perceived my space getting clearer and expanding, more serenity.  I started having many little miracles, and two people commented on a positive quality in me.  And I am higher toned on a more consistent basis.  Instead of trying to be the person I want to be, I see I am already there, and with more understanding and keeping in and improving my ethics,  I know I will continue to improve and be more and more an asset to others and life.  I see that I have more ability to go into a space and raise the tone of the environment and those who are in it.  I am getting very good at naturally and without thinking finding the good in others and acknowledging them.  And even though the world is a tough place, I do look forward to going out in it and knowing I can interact with others and have a positive influence. 

Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery on Pexels.com

“My productivity has always been high and efficient, but I am experiencing less or no resistance in myself in getting things done. And this, I know, makes others less resistant to me and my efforts and looking to me as a safe terminal and a leader.

“But one of my biggest cognitions is having the experience of perceiving and creating a postulate (they are very small at this point) and in an instant it disappears but then it comes true.  I am understanding that perceiving and creating a postulate with no “must have” on it which keeps it stuck and not coming to fruition, that in having the trust and ability to let it go and forget about it, that down the road I  see it comes true.  And in the last few weeks, these little or light postulates that flashed into view in a split second and then disappeared and then came true shows me, and I am looking forward to, that as I continue to expand my ethics presence I can and will be making bigger postulates that will help others, and not just myself.

“Thank you to Randy for his kindness and professionalism in guiding me through this process and thank you to L. Ron Hubbard for this technology and its ability to set us free.


New Separation on Solo NOTS

The other morning on waking up I suddenly had the most interesting thing happen.

Well this morning I suddenly felt myself separate out from the Genetic Entity. It was a clear cut valence separation of the kind I experienced on the Happiness RD some years ago.

I have always wondered where some of these soggy emotions and feelings in the body were coming from, unwanted physical urges and so on.

I could feel myself separating out from this lower toned beingness that runs the body. It went on for about 5 minutes with a series of cogs of how I had been effect of this, and how I had mistakenly been misidentifying myself with this.

This is very useful to me, because it puts me at a new level of cause, where I am no longer prone to the misconceptions of emotions and feelings coming from this source.

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels.com

As I continue auditing on Solo NOTs, I continue to encounter little things like this.

It was like separating out from the bank in a new unit of time.


No More Hidden Influences

Cog Win No More Hidden Influences on Solo NOTs 7 3 Apr 24

More wins from Tony, the Sage of the North Woods

“When I am done handling my NOTs Journey, I will have handled “several universes” of HIDDEN CASE. 

“ALL this NOTs case was 100% hidden to me.  

Hubble Movies Provide Unprecedented View of Supersonic Jets from Young Stars by NASA Goddard Photo and Video is licensed under CC-BY 2.0

“Besides handling this gargantuan amount of case, I am also gainING something I have always wanted in full, natural as rain; and HERE 24/7.  This is being here comfortably perceiving. 

This started with my first reading about TR-0 and practicing this over and over with the Communication course at that little mission on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, September of 1969.

I am now gaining that. 

“In all kinds of weather, I am getting it together” with the Thetan NATIVE STATE way LRH intended and put out.

Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels.com

“Just imagine being able to, AGAIN!, be able to comfortably look around at any place or condition or lie in this universe at will.  And this is with natural abilities I have always had.  AND, these abilities sure were buried.

As far as I ever knew in my Scientology epic journey, I suspected there was something there to handle.  There were many vague-at-best things.  I learned and have been diligently handling the giant “vague-at-best” parts of them, the NOTs CASE.

For all these years up to the SOLO AUDITING part of NOTs, I did not even have a meter read on many items on the SOLO NOTs Repair list for all my NOTs journey  This means buried and below registering on the Theta-meter- -This is until now.  These were so very buried.

This is so magical to me; and I am the successful auditor and blown out PC.

Gee!  Being a failed auditor at the training and no experience bottom.  This is totally gone.   I  am a competent Pro-SOLO auditor.  

I have the full confidence that now I can audit another case.  NO PROBLEM.  Even if there is some training.  

Being on NOTs 5, 6 and 7 has given me all these things in Scientology I could only daydream about.


Yes, there are heroes: 

Ron, who resulted in all this happening with me.

 Trey before Randy taking me through and out of the murky depths.

Then Randy–with 100% standard handling with his natural-real-person coaching and training.

This NOTs band is where it takes someone who knows all aspects of auditing including guiding, to guide me through  ALL my mis-directed directions.  This wasn’t occasional helps and handlings, it was and is CONSTANTLY, bringing me back onto the straight and narrow.

This NOTs auditor training helped me through from the baby level of “ga, ga” to that “fixed, dedicated glare competent SOLO  auditor.  Now I have just gained that becoming cocky and confident SOLO Auditor.

That is a lot of giant wins.

Now back to work on SOLO NOTs, the last frontier or part to finish. 

Would I have been able to figure out the NOTs case on my own?  

100% NO!  It is an impossibility with this case.


Now the Sage of the North Woods, pre-OT in training